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DECEMBER 2009 December 11, 2009

Posted by uwmathlib in Budget, Journals.
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Serials Cancellation 2010

I want to update you on the status of the Serials and Electronic Resources Review which began last spring in response to a $1.6 million reduction in the UW Libraries annual information resources budget.

The serials cancellation project is almost over.  I was able to save some titles for at least another year.  We came close to our $41,129 target, but will need to use $998 from our book fund to meet it.

Where we wanted to cancel titles from Elsevier or Wiley, we could not.  Renegotiated deals with these publishers reaped overall savings benefits, but blocked our proposed cancellations of some expensive titles.  Each deal is different and has many nuances.

I think Math, Stat, and Applied Math will feel the effects of the renegotiated Springer deal the most.  We have had a consortial deal with other WA and OR schools for Springer titles.  As long as we all maintained our subscriptions, we got the added benefit of access to titles that no one subscribed to.   For example, lots of Russian translation journals such as the Journal of Mathematical Sciences (formerly J Soviet Math) were available to us without subscription.

Springer is now allowing us to cancel up to 20% of our previous deal, but in doing so we will lose the benefit of access to those unsubscribed titles.   One new benefit is that the consortia partners can coordinate amongst ourselves to eliminate paying for duplicate subscriptions and use that money to save unique titles.  That is what I did.  I canceled titles that are duplicated within the consortia.   I coordinated my cancellations with other math librarians in WA and OR.

As in the past, users will be able to obtain articles from unsubscribed titles from Interlibrary Loan for free.  The budget impact for this is unknown.

The list of canceled journals is available at:   http://www.lib.washington.edu/Math/2009mathcancels.html.

There are 3 color-coded groupings of titles:

orange   –    subscription canceled
purple    –    savings achieved in other ways and online access continues
blue       –     paper version canceled, online continues

In addition to our serials cuts, I expect our book fund will be reduced by about 25-30% for 09/10.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.  I’ve really appreciated everyone’s help with this difficult task.



Suzzallo/Allen Collection Move

The Suzzallo/Allen shift is now complete. The project officially took off on July 9 and finished on October 28. Books from Chemistry, Fisheries-Oceanography, Children’s Literature, Natural Sciences, Suzzallo Periodicals, and Suzzallo/Allen stacks were merged into one call number run covering 8 floors in the Suzzallo and Allen Libraries.

1,885,253 books were moved into their final positions in 16 weeks. In addition, 536,302 books were moved, compacted, integrated etc. in order to allow the move happen.

The few QA books there are located on Allen South 2.


UW Dissertations Online in UW Libraries’ Research Works Repository

The Libraries recently purchased a complete set of pdf copies of UW dissertations 1997-2008.  These are now available via our ResearchWorks repository,  https://digital.lib.washington.edu/dspace/handle/1773/4888.  Links from the Libraries catalog will be added as time allows.  In addition to the 1997-2008 collection, there is sporadic coverage of dissertations prior to 1997; these are copies of dissertations made by ProQuest when someone purchased a copy of a dissertation.  The Libraries is also negotiating for copies of 2009 dissertations.  At this time, UW students submitting a Master’s Thesis do not submit to ProQuest; therefore, our collection does not include master’s theses.

UW Libraries and the Graduate School are working on a project to put all UW dissertations and theses online sometime in the future.

Best wishes for happy holidays!

Martha, Saundra, Colleen, Naomi, Jennifer, and Jenna


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